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5 Tips For Stay-At-Home Parents To Continue Their Education

5 Pros/Cons Of Online College and Deciding If It's For You

Being a stay-at-home parent is a challenging and all-consuming job, but many at-home parents choose to use what minimal free time they have to obtain training for their future. Whether you want to advance in your previous career or start something new, training for your future is possible, even as a busy, full-time parent. Here are five questions and tips for stay-at-home parents to consider.

What’s your Goal?

The first step toward deciding how to continue your education from home is to set a goal. Are you interested in earning a certificate to advance your pre-baby career? Do you aspire to work in a new field? Are you ready to get that degree you’ve always wanted? Setting a goal is essential in determining where you want to go.

What’s your History?

Before selecting a program, consider your previous work and life experience. Do you already have a skill-set that just requires a little fine-tuning? Can your experience be easily shifted into a new field? Do you already hold a degree but want to transition into something different? You may find that programs are designed to meet your unique needs.

Which Program is Right?

Once you have set a goal and listed your experience, it is time to research the programs available to you. Many well-known universities now offer online degrees, making bachelor’s and master’s degrees easier than ever to obtain without stepping foot into a traditional classroom. If a certificate is required, plenty of specialty schools offer quick opportunities to obtain them.

How can you Prepare?

Most programs, whether degree or certificate, require some kind of entrance exam. If you need to take an exam in order to move forward in your professional life, organizations such as Berkeley Training Associates can help you study for your specific test. Another important preparation is to examine your options for financial assistance.

Where’s your Workspace?

Once you have put all the pieces into place, you will want to create a space in your home that is dedicated to your work. A household with a little one can be a bit chaotic, so assigning a specific spot to keep your work separate and to find some quiet time to study, write, think, and plan.

Taking the next step in your career is almost always daunting, but doing so while raising a child full-time can seem impossible. But with a little planning and some honest analysis, you can find a program that fits your needs perfectly and helps you on your path to success.