Two of the most awaited and entertaining shows of the television, Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, are all set to blow up your Sunday nights. After two months of hiatus and a Tyrion-free existence, thousands of Game of Thrones fans are enthusiastic to watch its third season of this zombie filled bloody series, launching on HBO.
Excitement is at its zenith, when there is a sprawling story, having a cast that perpetuates to grow, and with a plot-line that sprouts all over the place like a magic beanstalks, the first and upcoming episode of Game of Thrones will serve the purpose of tying up the loose ends and ending number of unsolved related queries.
My Sunday nights will again be filled with intrigue, violence and entertainment. Also I am looking forward to watch how the story moves ahead, who will be next to get killed and be able to get closer to the Iron Throne. The impact of its season 2 is still intact and it interacts well with the new season.
For those who didn’t get a chance to watch the series, here is a brief introduction. This television series features a power struggle between a number of families, each vying to win the throne so that they can rule over Westeros, a fictional land. Basically, the movie is the adaptation of the best seller of author George R.R. Martin by the name of A Song of Ice and Fire.
As season 2 of Game of Thrones ended on a dramatic note, we were still left with plethora of unresolved mysteries and questions that are believed to be addressed in the upcoming season. Although the fact remains that much has not changed but still season 3 will feature intense war between the different Houses of Westeros, especially in the wake of Renly’s assassination and Stannis’s defeat.
At the same time, the mighty Houses of the South, which were once subservient to Renly, have entered into an uneasy collusion with the Lannisters, thus divorcing stealthily Renly’s cold bed and forming an alliance with Joffery, the boy King.
One cannot shun the cardinal role of Margaery Tyrell, who will be getting older and wiser and will be seen in more than just one role of a skillful politician. Meanwhile, other characters, luring the audiences will be: Cersei, Rob Stark and King Landing, to name a few.
Game of Thrones is no doubt a highly complex but rich story that features details and depth of The Wire and has production values that are the same as those of Broadwalk Empire. It is a highly watchable series although there has been a lot of debate lately, pertaining to the adult content that has always found its ways into the previous two seasons and is expected to rein supreme in third season as well. But honestly speaking, there is a lot more for the viewers to watch in the Game of Thrones.