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How to Get Rid Of Deep Car Scratches?

How to Get Rid Of Deep Car Scratches?

Ever noticed how glaring deep scratches on cars are? There is almost no way to neglect because these scratches stand out. Picture this: You argued with someone, and you go to bed, only to wake up to deep scratches on your car. An aggrieved ex, a troublesome neighbor, or your creative children; it can be anybody.

However, if you are selling a car and the photo of the car must be presentable. You can use this car photography tips or choose one of our methods.

Admit it, the next question on your mind is how to remove deep scratches from the car. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with tips on fixing deep scratches on your car. So let’s begin. 

How deep is the scratch?

First of all, before you can decide on which method to use, you have to ascertain the depth of the scratch. We all have experienced minor scrapes on our cars, maybe a mishap at the caress or a slip up while backing out of your garage. Either way, these minor scratches are easier to fix. Now, how do we know the depth of the scrape?

You definitely would have noticed that your car has different layers; four layers to be precise:

You barely notice scratches on the wax and clear coat because they are well bonded to the paint. However, the scratches may result in a dent in the clear coat and paint coat. At this point, you will notice the damage and a different color, particularly light grey. It will be evident against the color of your vehicle. The most unfortunate scratch to your car is the paint chip that reveals the metalwork of the car. You will have noticed this if you have hit a hard surface, say a wall or metal pole.

What do I need for scratch repairs? 

They DIY methods should be done carefully to avoid worsening the situation. You would need a different car scratch repair kit for deep scratches and shallow scratches. For shallow scratches:

For deep scratches:

Before we go any further, it is crucial for you to know that different levels of scratches require different repair kits and different methods. So it is best for you to know the exact type of scratch on your car before proceeding. So let’s proceed.

How do I repair deep scratches?

There are two significant methods of deep car scratch repair, namely:

Filling up deep scratches

Your car will have gouges where it was scratched. But don’t worry, this is one of the competent DIY methods. However, you will need to buy some items:

Step-by-step guide

The exciting part of using this method is that the putty solidifies in the gouge and becomes part of the leveled surface.

Buffing over scratches

This method is more practiced as it easily removes scratches from the car. Things to use for this process are:

Step-by-step guide               

We advise automobile owners to buff carefully as the scratch removers tend to take off the paint coat of the vehicle. Please, stop as soon as you see the paint chipping off. 


In essence, these DIY methods we have given are mostly useful in small scale dents, like a minor scratch or a paint coat scratch. So here’s the deal, if you have cuts that get up to the metalwork of the car, we suggest taking the vehicle to auto repair shops as soon as possible to avoid rusting. 

We hope this post helped you, and we would love to hear your experiences.