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How To Turn Your Garage Into A Bar

Who wouldn’t want their own bar? And not only that, but a bar in their own home? Just imagine, no more facing the cold winds of winter in search of a stiff drink, no more forcing your way through the crowds and no more extortionate beer princes! If you have ever dreamed of owning your own bar, then converting your extra space could be the best way to do it. With a bit of elbow grease and some dedication, you can turn your garage into any kind of bar you like whether it be a sports bar, a games bar, a traditional pub or if you are feeling really adventurous, even a night club. Here is our guide to turning your garage into a bar.

Adding a bar to your home is a fantastically unique way of entertaining your friends. Though some people add a small bar area to their dining rooms, turning your garage into a bar means that you can utilise the whole space. Your options are endless. You could create a minimal bar with a home bar and a few seats, or you can go all out and include tables and even a dance floor. You could even name it!

  1. Firstly, clear out your garage. Get rid of any clutter, and if you can, completely empty it so you have an empty space to build upon. You can always use a self-storage facility if you need some extra room.
  2. Give your garage a good clean. Get rid of any cobwebs or dirt, wash the walls, mop the floors, and make it look fresh and inviting.
  3. Now you can begin to decorate your new bar! Paint the walls and ensure you have suitable flooring that can be cleaned and maintained easily. Your décor will depend on what kind of bar you want to create. Use your imagination and release your creative flair! Do you want your bar to be dark and moody or light and modern? Will it be for all of the family to use or will it be for adults only?
  4. Choose and purchase a bar. You can buy bars from many online stores; a simple search will provide you with a wide breadth of bars and bar equipment. This is where you can be really creative, depending on your style and budget. If you want to create a traditional bar, wooden chairs and tables will look great. If you want to create a modern sports-type bar, then metal furniture and flashing lights will make it work. If you do want to create a sports bar, then make sure you install a TV and a fridge for beers.
  5. Once you have moved your new bar in, arrange it into the desired spot. It is then time to start placing drink bottles and bar equipment on the bar. If you’d like to have optics to dispense spirits, these are easily available and can be installed simply on to the wall behind the bar. If you install a shelf behind the bar you can stack all of your favourite tipples. Make sure you have at least one fridge for juices, beers, wines and anything else that needs to be kept cool. For fun, you can also stock crisps and nuts, or sliced fruit behind the bar.
  6. If you want to keep costs down, or if you only want to use your bar periodically you can always fill a bucket with ice to cool the drinks rather than pay for a fridge.
  7. Hook up an mp3 player, a cd player or a record player so that you and your friends can listen to music. You may want to install a sound system if your garage is well insulated. A TV can also be used to play music videos, sporting events, TV shows and films.
  8. Finish your bar with lights such as fairy lights or neon signs depending on the style of the bar. Other ways you could customise your bar are by filling it with different style glasses that have been collected, bar mats on the walls, paintings and posters, ornaments and bar accessories. You can brighten up your garage with some floor or wall lights.
  9. Finally, make it comfortable and your garage will be the place to be the next time you want to watch the game, hold a cocktail night or simply hang out with some friends.

There are many things you can do to make your garage the bar you want. Now might be the perfect time to convert your garage space, with the help of a garage company, and then get your mates around in the New Year!