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Selecting The Right Fonts For A Logo Design

While graphics and colors give life to your logo design, at the same time, font size, style and type tell the story of your brand image to the customers and targeted audiences. Before selecting the fonts for your logo, you need to completely understand the basic font types that are used by professionals providing logo design services.

Basic Font Types That are Used in Logo Industry;

The fonts that can be used in a logo are generally divided into two main types.

Serif Fonts

Serif fonts are relatively easier to read as they are quite smaller in size. These fonts are simple and carry minor designs extending from the letter corners or base. Serif fonts are considered to have humanistic element as these fonts are primarily used in the printing presses. Basic Serif fonts include Times New Roman and Georgia.

Sans Serif Fonts

Sans Serif fonts are a little harder to read as they do not carry the fine extending lines which make every letter distinguishing from the other. Sans Serif fonts are particularly used in the technical documents and newspapers headline.

Other Common Fonts

Designing a logo on computer has made it very convenient for the designers to choose a variety of fonts for their logos. Apart from the ancient standard logo fonts, you can now use Verdana, Calligraphy and other fonts for your logo as well.

Font Size

The font size of your logo highly depends on the size of other elements that you incorporate in your logo. If your logo has a digital image or design as well, then you can keep the font 1/3rd of the logo design. If your logo solely relies on the text, then you will keep the font size 4/5th of the logo size.

Sometimes, there are many clients who want you to design a logo that contains a design element and a text as well. However; he asks you to attract the attention of the targeted audience more towards the text or brand name rather than the design. In such a case, you will keep the font size 2/3 or 4/6 of the logo size.


For website designing as well as logo designing, you should always prefer Serif fonts rather than Sans Serif fonts. This will increase the clarity, readability in your branding elements. The customer will better memorize your company’s message and you will get better work of mouth for your brand.