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Targeting Employers To Find Your Dream Job

With South Africa’s high unemployment rate, it is becoming increasingly necessary to be innovative and efficient in searching for new employment on a jobs portal like www.zigo.co.za. Zigo is a job’s website that aims to list every job available in South to simplify the job search for applicants. A new way that is fast-becoming the optimal way to gain new employment is by targeting your ideal employer.

Employer targeting can be referred to as reverse headhunting as the candidate decides by frequently visiting, researching and staying up to date with developments in the company. Through, Zigo, visitors can get a good gage of how frequently a company hires and the kinds of candidates they are looking for. The advantage of the job aggregator is that you easily find a range of jobs posted in the same industry and company.

The searcher needs to begin by looking up his/her industry and research every possible position they may qualify for. In addition, South African employment and recruitment websites thrive on users who take initiative and ensure that their profile are regularly updated. Once a candidate identifies their industry and company preferences, they need to start thinking about a strategy to make contact with the company.

Before making the contact with the company, seekers need to make sure that the have researched the company thoroughly. If you come across a company on www.zigo.co.za then it is vital to ensure that all the links are legitimate and that you are able to find the company online. Knowing the company’s history, mission and vision can only be to the advantage of the jobseeker because they make a positive impression to their prospective employer. Starting off with Zigo will give you a good idea as to which companies searchers can target and proactively seek employment.