On certain days, we could feel full of energy and highly energetic; but the opposite at specific days. There high and low periods that we should consider. The mission and vision statement of the company that employs us may require employees to stay passionate about everything, energetic, excited and outgoing. However, even the happiest people could find it difficult to keep themselves energized all the time.
We won’t perform well in a meeting with customers if we feel low. This could make us to feel disappointed, because we unable to portray ourselves as a passionate, energetic and always excited individual. Many people consume power breakfast daily exercise and supplements to keep themselves. But, is it possible to keep our enthusiasm and productivity high with these common methods?
Unfortunately, there are no golden solutions to eliminate gloom and weakness during our low days. No matter how healthy our food is, how often we exercise and how well we sleep, it is simply impossible to maintain a peak emotional, mental and physical condition. Our body has its own endless cycles of passive and active periods that can affect our mental and emotional states.
During our active phase, we could feel enthusiastic and energetic. However, we will feel uninterested, irritable, weak, exhausted and bored during the passive phase. We should always expect to get the usual low and high cycles.
One common reason for this phenomenon is a concept called biorhythms. Any health experts understand that each patient has specific mental, emotional and physical rhythms. In general, the mental curve lasts about 33 days, emotional curves about 28 days and physical curve about 23 days. This pattern seems to correlate with incidence of illness that people may experience.
They may include fevers, headache, weakness and even heart attacks. It is more likely for people to have heart attacks and stroke during passive phase of their physical condition. It isn’t really necessary to turn into paranormal enthusiasts to plot our biorhythms, because it is an observable phenomenon.
Regardless of our situation, it is a good idea to take advantage of our current cycles. When we are feeling more active, it is an opportunity for us to achieve our desired short- or medium-term goals. This could be anything from starting a new exercise routing or finishing off reports that are due in weeks. Other positive things we can do include eliminating the clutter in our house, cleaning the garage, repairing the roof and trimming the garage.
We shouldn’t waste this opportunity by doing passive things, such as watching TV for much of the weekend and spending hours in bars.
Eventually, we will have our low days and at this time, it is likely for us to feel somewhat terrible. This isn’t excuse to stop doing meaningful tasks. While, our body and mind may refuse to pump the required energy to do things, we could still at least avoid making ourselves feeling bad. In this situation, it is probably better to do things that can excite us. Spending more time to enjoy ourselves is probably better than working unproductively. Low cycles can’t prevent us from having fun.
About: Author is an employee of reputed seo services company. He’s likes blogging on internet marketing, small business tips and Finance.