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Van Mercedes Vision Of The Future

Mercedes presents his idea of ​​what the urban distribution in the not too distant future. This is the Mercedes Vision Van concept that will revolutionize the vans. Since its cargo to the possibility of delivery by a built drone, this concept is spectacular.

The Vision Van Mercedes-Benz is a revolutionary prototype van for urban space. The vehicle integrates comprehensive solution as a large number of innovative technologies for the last mile distribution and defines the catalog of services and solutions for future generations of vans.

The Vision Van is the result of the strategic initiative of future advance. With Advance, Mercedes-Benz Vans longer a mere maker of vans and become a provider of integrated solutions right mind. The company credits this strategy with the Vision Van as a visible expression of its innovative strength. The Vision Van stands with a degree never seen interconnection of information and technology. It is the first van in the world to take as comprehensive solution all the functions of a chain of fully digitized and interconnected process from the distribution center of goods to the recipient.

If you are looking for 18 Mercedes chrome wheels then check out the site. The Vision Van has a load space fully automated, integrated delivery drones for autonomous and modern joystick control. The electric drive of the Vision Van -the basis of a package distribution without emissions locales- develops 75 kW (100 hp) and achieves a range of up to 270 km. The electric motor also ensures the possibility of using the Vision Van in environments with restrictions for vehicles with combustion engines, such as some urban areas. Since electric propulsion works virtually noiseless, it facilitates the delivery late in residential areas if chosen delivery option on the same day.

“The Vision Van merges several concrete concepts for the future parcel deliveries in an urban space. For example, a fully automatic loading space, delivery drones capable of flying autonomously and innovative communication features. “

Drones Facilitate the Task of Distribution

The Vision Van facilitates work physically packet delivery. Among others, search and suppressed annoying and expensive
task of redistributing packages in the cargo space. At present, dispatchers spend almost 80% of their working time delivering packages: find shipping in the vehicle, take it to the house, wait for the recipient opens the door, go up the floor and make the delivery.

In many cases, the driver is forced to return to their vehicle and repeat the operation later, for example if the recipient is not at home. Fixed time delivery option that enables the Vision Van and its combination with drones significantly reduces the number of failed attempts package delivery. The automated system also prevents errors in delivery, and the client enjoys an optimized service can choose fixed for one hour delivery when making your online order. In addition, you can vary the time or the time window for delivery by App customers if changes in your schedule.

The combination of One Shot Loading, intelligent cargo space management, integrated delivery drones and the unique concept of connectivity of the Vision Van is the key to a huge increase in productivity. This can dramatically increase the number of items distributed each day.