I am a little conscious about the environment so I’m always looking to find cleaner sources of power. I have always been for solar power but I’ve had some problems with efficiency. When it comes to my phone especially, I have never been quite satisfied. I mean I had never found a way to get my phone to full charge without too many hassles. That changed with the WakaWaka Power. This is one device that has given everything I was looking for in a solar powered charger.
The best thing about it is that it’s not just a charger. It doubles up as a lamp too. There are not many devices in the market that can do that. Some one would think that the lamp function would compromise the efficiency of the charger and that would be wrong. The charger is as efficient as ever even when I am using the light. The unit does not come with detachable parts. I hate when I have to keep track of the unit plus the battery or other cables. The WakaWaka Power is just one single device. This saves me a lot of headache.
Unlike other portable chargers, this solar powered one does not have too much going on. It is small and compact in the most convenient way. It weighs around 200 grams. This means I can move around with it whenever I want, wherever am going. If am going out of town and know I will need to keep my phone fully charged, I just bring my WakaWaka Power with me. The design of the device allows me to place it anywhere even on a window sill.
The flip cover of the device is also another plus. When you open the cover, it forms a stand. This makes it possible to set the unit for charging. When the cover is closed, it goes over the two USB ports. It’s like having a casing for your mobile phone. You get to protect the ports from dust and debris. Some people may find it an inconvenience having to open the unit to charge their phones. When you look at the pros however, you get why you can accommodate that. The cover is also plastic so I don’t have to keep checking if my unit has cracks or scratches. I know it’s well protected.
Compared to other solar units I have used, the WakaWaka Power offers good use of power. The charging takes about 8 hours on a good day. When the unit is fully charged, I can charge my smart phone to full capacity and still get some light out of the thing. When I say some light, I don’t mean a dim light or anything. The lighting on the device is very bright. If I adjust to reading mode, I get a lot out of it. I don’t need to buy a torch for emergencies.
I can use the blinks on the unit to tell how the charging is going. There is an LED indicator which tells the rate of the charge. When it’s charging, it blinks red, either fast or slow. There are also indicators for SOS functions. This can come in pretty handy in case of an emergency.
The buy one give one campaign that comes with the WakaWaka Power is yet another plus for the device. This is a campaign by the WakaWaka foundation to provide power to the survivors of the typhoon Haiyan that struck the Philippines. The aim of the campaign is to make sure that people have access to clean power. It’s not just about the survivors though. It is also meant to help the relief workers who need power to get through their duties. The buy one give one campaign makes the WakaWaka Power more than just another solar powered device in the market.